Saturday, February 25, 2012

Whitehall Visited 2/23/2012 4 Forks

Whitehall 19 Greenwich Ave., (between Charles St & 10th St), Manhattan, NY 10014

 So many times people ask me how do I come up with a list of places to go? To be honest, most of the times it's from reading blogs and magazines, but sometimes its my friends who pick a lot of the places I end up.  My friend Virginia knows just as much about great restaurants as I do and she's really great about just randomly setting up get togethers at new places.  So this past Thursday she organized a girls night out at Whitehall which has got the same vibe as the last place we went to, Highlands.  It's kind of gastro-pubby and they've got a great specialty cocktail list.  

We started the night with cocktails and they were great.  I tried the East Side which was essentially a mojito made with mint, cucumber, and gin and the No. 6 which was hot apply cider with cognac and "winter spices" and both were strong and tasty.  We were there at 6:30pm and the place was packed with people there for drinks and dinner.  We weren't able to get a reservation until 9pm, so it was a long night!  Since we were a pretty large group of girls there were only a few tables that could accommodate us and one table that the hostess had basically promised us was occupied by this group of over 2 1/2 hours.  As it started to get close to 9:00, we all started giving the table the evil eye.  Now I am the type of patron who, while doesn't like to be rushed, is very conscientious if there are other people waiting to sit and try not to dill-dally and these people were clearly could have cared less.  We finally did get to sit and we all ordered within 10 minutes because it was late and we were starving.  VA ordered the roasted brussel sprouts and mushy peas for the table and then we each ordered our own dishes.  I was torn between the roasted chicken and the burger...the waitress told me the burger was amazing and different from most burgers out there so I went with it.  The brussel sprouts were nicely roasted with the leaves pretty burned (but in good way) and the center still green, a bit crunchy and flavorful.  Everyone was a bit nervous about the mushy peas but they were actually pretty good.  It essentially tasted exactly like a falafel and it was topped with a nice mint yogurt.  When my burger came out I could immediately tell that it would be good but heart stopping.  As soon as I cut into it, I could see how super juicy it was and the reason it was different was because it was topped with caramelized onions, beets, butter lettuce and a fried egg.  Some people might be grossed out bit, but honestly it truly was a different burger than your standard pub burger and I really appreciated it.  The bun was also really soft and buttery so that's always a plus.  The burger also comes with a largest side of fries I've ever seen, which wasn't mentioned on the menu.  So if you get the burger, do NOT order any other sides unless you're starving.  I didn't try anyone else's food but everyone did say that they liked their meal.  All in all, it was a great night out and I love it when other people introduce me to new places because it kind of takes the pressure off of me! Total bill $44/pp with tip and tax. 

Photo Credit: Yelp     

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